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101 Degrees Fahrenheit by Eva Gale

Monday, October 31, 2011

101 Degrees Fahrenheit (novella)
A free installment

Eva Gale
Contemporary Romance/Erotica
Published in 2009

H/h - Dean Roberts/Kathy Roberts
Setting: Present day.

Read in Oct, 2011.
My rating:

                                                                     [spoilers alert]

In her barber shop, Kathy was just trimming a man, a last customer. This man is really handsome and been in her shop many times. It seems like she knows absolutely nothing of the man but is attracted to him. So is he, apparently. Kathy is a mother (I wasn’t sure at that point married or single) and runs this business of hers so she’s very busy and sex hasn’t been the top priority for a long while. It’s too hot outside, 101 degrees to be precise. The AC is broken and this starts their casual banter which led to something else. Now they’re willing to take this to the next level, just like that, so casually...

Her Ladyship’s Companion by Evangeline Collins

Her Ladyships Companion

Evangeline Collins
Historical Romance
Published in 2009

H/h - Gideon Rosedale/Lady Isabella Stirling
Setting: Selkirk, Scotland, 1816.

Read in Oct, 2011.
My rating:

                                                             [spoiler alert]

Her Ladyship’s Companion deals with two themes, one I lurrve, another I HATE- gigolos and infidelity respectively. Well, kinda ironic since they both go side-by-side. But this book made me think a little differently on both sides. I still love gigolos (For those who don’t know, Derek Craven from Dreaming of You is the love of my life and those who already heard it many times, sorry about that *giggles*. And for those who want to grab at my meat, back off! :p) but I’ve learned to open my eyes a bit about spousal abuse and why a woman would turn to another man, a hired one at that. Gideon stole my heart completely, I don’t even know if I’d be able to express that adequately, the things he did for Bella; all his sacrifices. Bella, on the other hand, I didn’t mind her clinginess to Gideon (can’t AT ALL blame her for those popping orgasms she had, those some reviewers seem to poke fun at, since Gideon was that good) because I got where she stood, her insecurities were not at all unfounded. I really felt for her. It was in the end that I took a little issue with some of her behaviors. Other than that, it was a great book. My first Evangeline Collins book was a hit for sure. Apart from Gideon and the really good writing, I appreciated the very unique plotting this book had. Time to time, I didn't know what will happen next but that didn’t hamper anything for me.

Scandalous Desires by Elizabeth Hoyt

Friday, October 28, 2011

Scandalous Desires
Maiden Lane #3

Elizabeth Hoyt
Historical Romance
Published in 2011

H/h - Michael OConnor/Silence Hollingbrook
Setting: St. Giles, London, 1738.

Read in Oct, 2011.
My rating:

                                                                 [spoiler alert]

Finally, after 7 months of waiting I get to read the most anticipated release for me of this year. So, did I find everything I was hoping for? The answer is, yes, I did... almost. The story was fantastic, the writing excellent. Mickey was absolutely mind blowing, heart warming, hawt and sweet. Silence was adorable, the kind of heroine I want in my Romance, no wishy-washy whiner! I loved ALL the love scene of this book. Even then, there were things I thought weren’t mentioned or discussed well in the end. Many may find Mickey’s transformation kinda over-the-top but for me, it was perfect. I mean this is why I read a romance because I want my pirate to be wicked(-ly sexy) and remain so with me; be insane about me, love and worship me. Mickey did all that and more for Silence. It was incredible, because when Silence understood him (thanks to Mickey that he wasn’t being obtuse at that point) and returned it too. I loved that EH didn’t make Mickey out to be something he wasn’t and his yearning to hold one shaft of goodness in his life, Silence (and Mary Darling), no matter the cost, was just delicious to read.

Memories of My Melancholy Whores by Gabriel García Márquez

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Memories of My Melancholy Whores

Original Title:
Memoria de Mis Putas Tristes

Gabriel García Márquez
Published in 2006 by Vintage International

Read in Dec, 2009.
My rating:

                                                              [spoiler alert]

Note: With some minor changes, what I wrote in the response paper of one of my MA courses.

“The year I turned ninety, I wanted to give myself the gift of a night of wild love with an adolescent virgin.”

In the novella Memories of My Melancholy Whores, Gabriel García Márquez gives us a bit of an odd love affair by a 90 yrs. old man and a 14 yrs. old virgin. Now, it really sounds odd because all our lives, we are after those fairy-tales where a beautiful young princess falls in love with a handsome prince-charming. I myself have grown up knowing about these tales but this story, served for me, as an eye-opener. Well, sort of that is. A relationship like ‘love’, not the father-daughter way of course, can be formed by an older man and a young woman. Not that we never heard of this kinds of stories in real life but most of the times we really don’t know if there was ‘love’ involved anywhere. TBH, the story at first felt quite creepy to me but as I read on through the pages, I found more than just another weird or erotic story. It was nothing like that as the narrator’s humors (the cat!) and sojourns are described, coming to an almost peaceful ending with his ‘Delgadina’.

The Bed and the Bachelor by Tracy Anne Warren

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

The Bed and the Bachelor
The Byrons of Braebourne #5

Tracy Anne Warrent
Historical Romance
Published in 2011

H/h - Lord Drake Byron/Sebastianne Dumont
Setting: London, 1813.

Read in Oct, 2011.
My rating:

                                                                     [spoiler alert]

TAW’s books have had some mixed reviews from me. Some were great, some ok while the others just weren’t up to the mark. If I talk about The Byrons Series, I must say I liked most of the books (my absolute favorite being book #4). So, when I heard that despite having 8 siblings, The Byrons Series will come to an end with Drake’s book, I was very sad. I love the family itself and in each book, one or more siblings getting married, having kids, the brothers, the wives, the kids and their banters... I simply adore it. I wished I could say the same for this book. It was not up to the mark. I didn’t dislike the story mind you, still think it had great potentials but just wasn’t executed well enough. So, I ended up with something very tepid (even love scene-wise and I know TAW can write some hot hot love scenes along with amazing sexual tension, enough to turn me into mush lolz). Alas but not in this one!

Amethyst Heat by Laura ‘Highland Hussy’ Hunsaker

Monday, October 24, 2011

Amethyst Heat (novella)
A free installment

Laura ‘Highland Hussy’ Hunsaker
Medieval Romance/Contemporary/Time Travel
Published in 2011

H/h - Kade MacPherson, the Laird of MacPherson/Meg McMurray
Setting: Oklahoma/the Highlands, Scotland, year unknown.

Read in Oct, 2011.
My rating:

                                                             [spoiler alert]

Laura, what is this? A teaser? Are you kidding me woman? Where’s the rest of this? Grrrrr!!

The Quill and InkWell: Temptation and Twilight Teaser! by Charlotte Featherstone

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Excerpt from Temptation & Twilight, straight from Ms. Featherstone's blog The Quill and Inkwell. Click on the following link to read more...

The Quill and InkWell: Temptation and Twilight Teaser!: Readers have asked for a little glimpse of Iain Sinclair, Marquis of Alynwick's book. Apparently, he's captured the fancy of quite a few rea...

Highland Scoundrel by Monica McCarty

Highland Scoundrel
Campbell Trilogy #3

Monica McCarty
Medieval Romance
Published in 2009

H/h - Duncan 'Dubh' Campbell/Jeannie Grant Gordon
Setting: Highlands, Scotland, 1608.

Read in Oct, 2011.
My rating:

                                                                    [spoiler alert]

Ah, quite disappointing ending of a great trilogy! And I thought Caitrina was the most annoying heroine but in comparison to Jeannie, she's a better option. Jeannie was so so irritating for the better part of the book, can’t even begin to tell you. Her loyalty to her traitorous father and husband was very applaudable but for that, what she did with Duncan was simply appalling!

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I love to read in my spare time and do reviews the books I read. My blog Punya Reviews just turned 6 in 2017 and still going strong. I love music and traveling. Sometimes, I wish I could live inside a book, having my own HEA. :)
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