Welcome to Punya Reviews... Please stay and enjoy! Read My Blog Policies for clarification of my ratings/disclaimer. All of my reviews contain spoilers. If you don't like spoiler-ish reviews, please don't proceed.

I'm a ThyCa survivor since 2004

If you're a regular visitor at Punya Reviews..., read reviews, check out promos on new books and enter giveaways etc., please consider becoming a member of this blog, liking my page and follow me on twitter and instagram.

My Blog Policies

The reviews I do are all my words (unless I 'quote' the respective author), so please do not copy/paste them anywhere else. I DO NOT receive any money for my reviews. I do them simply because I enjoy reading and writing; a great way to spend my leisure time. My reviews are basically my thoughts about that certain book, so I don't expect others to agree with me. I put a lot of passion in my reviews. Sometimes I tend to rant and rave more than doing a review but I try to make it interesting and informative; the kind I look for myself while reading others'. If I hate a book, I'll say it out loud; if I loved it, I'll do the same. 

The books I've reviewed are either purchased by me or borrowed from the library and occasional gifts from friends. A percentage of these books are received from authors in exchange of an honest review and review copies/ARCs I had received via Netgalley or Edelweiss when I was active on those sites or as a part of blog tours. Whatever it is, I'll definitely mention it. 

Incidentally, my reviews are detailed and spoiler-ish with occasional sarcasm and f-words. If you're not a fan of such reviews, the contents of this blog might not be for you.

UPDATE about Review Requests: I'm not taking any review requests at the moment, mainly because my life is super hectic and I'm unable to return the review in time. Some authors are very nice and don't grumble about it (which they should) but it doesn't feel right to me. From now on, I'll only consider review requests for books that really interest me. Not to offend anyone but I'm really bad at saying 'no', so I probably won't reply to your queries if my response is a negative. However, if you're interested in being featured on my blog (guest/promo posts), do mention that in your request and we can work something out. 

Update about ARCs thru NetGalley/Edelweiss (August, 2015): I became a member of Netgalley in 2011 and Edelweiss 2012. I've always been a genuine ARC reviewer and gave utmost importance in finishing reviewing the ARCs. I've been very dedicated as I thought of it as a privilege given to me by the publishers. But the scenario has changed since 2013, with stricter regulations, so much so that I'm absolutely disheartened by this treatment. I do understand that sometimes their hands are tied but that does nothing to ease the sting of a decline. And so, due to heavy declines because I don't live in the 'correct region' and don't have 'enough followers', I've decided to gradually retire from ARC reviewing from these galley sites. I've enjoyed being an ARC reviewer but this decision was in the making for the past two years. In any case, I'm a reader primarily and will continue to support my favorite authors on my own.

About Giveaways, Guest Posts, Author Promo/Spotlight, Interview and Review*:
  • If the giveaway request is exclusive from an author or a publisher, I'll be happy to host, however all the responsibility of that giveaway would be of the requesting party.
  • Same goes for any giveaways on my blog as the part of a blog tour, I'm not responsible for those giveaways as I only host the post on behalf of the promotional site.
  • I'm unable to do any requested Author Interview at the moment.
  • Guest Posts are welcome from the authors (published or new), as long as you are an author of the Romance genre. Please attach the picture(s) and captions if you want to add any.
  • I do Book Promo Spotlight as well but the promo has to be pre-written, consisting of the cover+blurb+retailer links of the book and the author pic+a short bio+author links. All the written materials should be in a .docx file and pictures/covers separately attached. Requests of review for such books will be under consideration but has to be something I actually read and/or I have the time to do it. I reserve the right to decline if I can't review the book but I'll still feature the promo post. It's better to decline rather than keep the author waiting for my review. I feel terrible when it happens.
*I won't be responsible for the contents of the guest posts and/or the pre-written promos but if something in that content offends me (i.e: racial remarks of any kind), I WILL DECLINE TO POST THAT.

After everything being said, please fill out the form in the Contact Me page with your request.

**Attn** NO TROLLING ON MY BLOG!! I will take necessary steps without second thoughts.

I rate on a scale of 1 to 5 stars. Even though I make the following note, I always try to explain my ratings in my reviews.

My review ratings as follow:

(5+ stars : great, big, happy 5 star! For very special books)

(4.5-5 stars : Simply mind blowing!)

(4-4.25 stars : Very good, except for a few things.)

(3.75 stars : Wasn't sure where to put it, generally good.)

(3-3.5 stars : Ok read, I've read better.)

(2-2.5 stars : Waste of time, things bothered me a lot)

(1 star : Don't bother.)

To find me on Goodreads, click on my goodreads update widget
Friend Invites are welcome, only if you share my interests in books and my reviews. But feel free to use the follow review option.


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I love to read in my spare time and do reviews the books I read. My blog Punya Reviews just turned 6 in 2017 and still going strong. I love music and traveling. Sometimes, I wish I could live inside a book, having my own HEA. :)
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