Today, I'm hosting this promo on a dark psychological thriller, Legacy by Lime Craven (Sociopath #2), as a part of the ongoing release day blitz. Also find hot teasers for your enjoyment. ;) The giveaway includes signed paperback copies of Sociopath and Legacy, so don't forget to enter via rafflecopter below!
(Sociopath #2)
Lime Craven
Lime Craven

Even I can't say that with a straight face.
But seriously, things are going great. Leo's behaving herself; I'm enjoying making sure she behaves. We're a great team. SilentWitn3ss, our live-streaming news project, has launched to my favorite things ever: controversy and profit.
So when the FBI comes to me and wants to use SilentWitn3ss footage to trace a serial killer named Blood Honey, I'm only too happy to be superior—I mean, to help. And if Leo thinks the brutal Blood Honey and I have a few things in common, I guess that's to be expected, given my rather unique preferences in the bedroom. My...condition.
But I'm not like him. I can't stand that she would even think it.
If his actions threaten my relationship with Leo, I'll hunt that fucker down myself.
If he gets too close for comfort, I will make him bleed—and trust me, he's closer than I ever anticipated.
There's a food chain, grasshoppers. The buck doesn't stop with him. It stops with me. Blood Honey is a nasty son of a bitch, but I can be a lot worse. Question I want to be?
****Book 1 and 2 on Sale 3/26 - 4/2****
About the Author:
I like dysfunction. Broken people who can't fix each other, but fit together because they're missing the same pieces. One of my favourite songs declares, "take the sinner down to feed desire," and that's my MO. I write dirty psychological thrillers with strong elements of dark romance.
I love antiheroes. Female characters who don't just accept their faults, but downright exploit them. No nice boys. No shame. Mindfuckery for all.
I love antiheroes. Female characters who don't just accept their faults, but downright exploit them. No nice boys. No shame. Mindfuckery for all.
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