The Secrets of Sir Richard Kenworthy
The Smythe-Smith Quartet #4
Julia Quinn
Historical Romance
Published in 2015
H/h - Sir Richard Kenworthy/Iris Smythe-Smith
Setting: London, 1825.
Read in February-March, 2015.
[spoiler alert]
Julia Quinn’s funny and adorable Smythe-Smith Quartet comes to an end with book 4, The Secrets of Sir Richard Kenworthy. It was a pretty long wait, but I knew I can count on JQ to deliver something I’d enjoy no matter what. But boy was I wrong! I don’t even know where to start cause this book frustrated me to no end, even made me angry at times; emotions I generally don’t associate with a JQ book. I can’t remember I ever did and I’ve read her whole backlist to date.
For those who have never read JQ before, consider starting with the Bridgerton series because that is where the Smythe-Smiths were introduced. This is a yearly musicale of ‘legendary’ reputation with four Smithe-Smith cousins butchering Mozart enthusiastically. A musicale that has been going on for a long time and even though the ‘music’ in question is horrendous more often than not, everyone invited always attends for some odd reason. The cousins change as they marry. Married women can’t be in that musicale, only unmarried ones, in the hopes of making a good match, hence showing off their ‘talents’. Their mommas are always convinced, just as the girls, that they’re prodigies in the making! But, there would always be one unfortunate girl who is intelligent enough to know how bad they actually are and even though you’d feel for her, there’s nothing to be done as she has to go along with the flock, or so to speak.
The Smythe-Smith Quartet #4
Julia Quinn
Historical Romance
Published in 2015
H/h - Sir Richard Kenworthy/Iris Smythe-Smith
Setting: London, 1825.
Read in February-March, 2015.
My rating:

[spoiler alert]
Julia Quinn’s funny and adorable Smythe-Smith Quartet comes to an end with book 4, The Secrets of Sir Richard Kenworthy. It was a pretty long wait, but I knew I can count on JQ to deliver something I’d enjoy no matter what. But boy was I wrong! I don’t even know where to start cause this book frustrated me to no end, even made me angry at times; emotions I generally don’t associate with a JQ book. I can’t remember I ever did and I’ve read her whole backlist to date.
For those who have never read JQ before, consider starting with the Bridgerton series because that is where the Smythe-Smiths were introduced. This is a yearly musicale of ‘legendary’ reputation with four Smithe-Smith cousins butchering Mozart enthusiastically. A musicale that has been going on for a long time and even though the ‘music’ in question is horrendous more often than not, everyone invited always attends for some odd reason. The cousins change as they marry. Married women can’t be in that musicale, only unmarried ones, in the hopes of making a good match, hence showing off their ‘talents’. Their mommas are always convinced, just as the girls, that they’re prodigies in the making! But, there would always be one unfortunate girl who is intelligent enough to know how bad they actually are and even though you’d feel for her, there’s nothing to be done as she has to go along with the flock, or so to speak.
The first 3 books in the series
started off with a gambling scene in flashback. The 3 Hs of these books
are unavoidably tied through this incident that took place some years
ago. Marcus, Daniel and Hugh were buddies in university. Daniel was the
rake of the lot, Hugh, the nerd-extraordinaire and Marcus, the voice of
reason. A night of drunken argument over cheating was followed by a
duel, a gunshot wound, which in turn saw Hugh with a grave injury to his
one of his legs (in turn, he becomes lame), Daniel banished out of the
country and Marcus... well, he tried his best to stop it but it happened
anyway. You can’t reason with a drunkard, can you?
And so the journey for the Smythe-Smiths began...
In book 1, Just Like Heaven,
Honoria Smythe-Smith, Daniel’s sister, finds herself in a dilemma. It’s
not that she’s ugly or plain or an idiot, yet she couldn’t make a match
for herself to settle down. She’s also one of those Smythe-Smith girls
smart enough to know how bad the musicale were, so Honoria wanted to
marry badly. Honoria’s jolliness enchants everyone, and men certainly
show interest. But for some reasons, after sometimes, they just... flee
every time she comes near them! Then we find ‘the cause’; Marcus, who
was given the duty to take care of Daniel’s family. He has been
attracted to Honoria for a longtime but being reserved, kept his
feelings to himself. That doesn’t mean he has to sit there, watch her
marry someone else! The whole thing was funny in a very endearing way.
We are also introduced to some secondary characters such as Sarah
Pleinsworth (Honoria’s cousin) and her ever confusing bunch of sisters,
Iris, another cousin, Hugh and the big list of other Smythe-Smith
momma’s and cousins. Daniel was not seen but at the end of the book when
he returns. After a minor misunderstanding, he gives his blessings to
Marcus and Honoria. It was because of Hugh’s thoughtfulness (and
generosity, I have to add) Daniel and he were also on the process of an
amendment, that was also working to lift the shadow of the scandal that
has been hanging over Daniel’s family ever since ‘the incident’.
In book 2, A Night Like This,
we find Daniel in pursuit of Anne. It was fun, I loved that book. It
wasn’t just a fluffy, warm read but had its own darker aspects. The day
Daniel returns is the day he also notices the beautiful and graceful
Anne playing the piano with the Smythe-Smith cousins and falls for her
on-spot. Actually it was love-at-first-sight, which worked for me just
fine! As they grew closer, we learn of Anne’s secret past and her
running from it. There were some superbly laugh out loud moments,
something also JQ does the best. But the ending was also gripping, that
worked to make Daniel and Anne’s relationship stronger than ever. We
also learn a bit of what Hugh has agreed to keep his father’s men at bay
to let Daniel live a normal life. The strain in their relationship, it
seemed, was over on a note of forgiveness and understanding, with a
desire to move forward.
Sarah and Hugh’s story was in book 3, The Sum of All Kisses.
It was another heartwarming and adorable story, spinning around the
theme of two people turning from enemy-to-lover. Well, that might be a
stretch but Sarah did envision Hugh to be the worst of mankind since
because of that ‘incident’ and subsequent scandal, her chances of
getting a season, and finding a husband, was ruined. Obviously, Hugh had
no idea he’d been the target of such hatred until they meet on the
occasion of Daniel’s wedding. Sarah was pretty... er, forthcoming with
her dislike of him, while Hugh also made it known just how much ‘silly,
annoying female’ like Sarah bothers him. So yah, they didn’t start off
on a friendly note. But then, things begin to change gradually as they
begin catching each-other together due to different reasons, sometimes
alone even. Hugh finds himself obsessed with the very same ‘annoying
female’, even identifying her voice wherever he went whereas Sarah
begins to see a different side of Hugh when he’d interact with her
younger sisters. Things heat up for our Nerd Extraordinaire and Miss
Melodramatic, which also, ends on a very positive note. Though Hugh’s
crazy father had to be taken care of, it didn’t cast any negative shadow
over their HEA.
Now Iris, the last remaining Smythe-Smith girl,
was more of a wallpaper character, more remaining in the background.
Yes, she was there in every story but she was just... as pale as her own
reflection (she’s known for her pale skin and paler hair). Even then,
sometimes one of her quips would just catch your attentions, and you’d
want to know what’s going on in that head of hers. Her story proved to
be an eye-opener in that regard. Book 4 also has a completely different
storyline, because Sir Richard, the H, isn’t a friend of Marcus, Daniel
or Hugh’s. He’s actually a friend of Winston Bevelstoke (story in a
previous JQ series, The Bevelstokes), who has just landed in London in
search of a bride. A bride, from whom, he’d also have to hide a grave
secret. He needs to marry in about 3 weeks, no more no less, and
according to Winston, he can search for one in nowhere other than the
legendary Smythe-Smith musicale. The girls, again according to Winston,
are desperate enough to certainly help Richard’s cause.
should’ve been my warning bell when Winston made derogatory comments
about the Smythe-Smith girls and Richard began contemplating how easily
he can dupe one of them into marrying him ASAP. I should’ve known that
this was going to be a mess. But I was so enjoying the usual fun of the
musicale and poor Iris’ attempt at hiding her face behind her own
instrument too much to give it a second thought. Well, I should’ve...
Richard’s head was full of that ‘secret’ he was hiding, from the first
moment of the musicale his eyes were set on Iris. Mostly because of the
fact that it was apparent she was the intelligent one who knew how
horrible they sounded. He was also able to catch her eyes by staring at
her for the most part of the musicale. Unfortunately for the most part, I
found everything regarding Richard suspicious, even if it was something
complimentary about Iris. Poor girl, she was so completely gobsmacked
finding a handsome young man staring at her like she’s the only girl in
that room. *sigh*
Though according to Richard, he found Iris’
coloring and wit charming, it was also apparent he wasn’t anywhere near
as crazy about her. The way she deserved to be wanted and loved. But he
has made her his target and was pretty sure can pull the whole thing off
by acting as the ardent admirer. Which he set about to prove for the
next week. He had only about 3 weeks in hand, so the wheels needed to be
put into motion ASAP. It wasn’t that difficult because Iris was still
too surprised to say or do anything else when Richard begins pursuing
her very openly and apparently, pretty eagerly too. Somewhere in her
mind, she knew that something’s not quite right, yet she was quite swept
away by all that male attention from someone who’s not only handsome
but also, quite smart. She liked their conversations, definitely liked
whatever she saw in him. So, no, it wasn’t that tough for Richard. Yet,
when by the end of the week Iris wasn’t falling down on her knees,
grateful for his attentions, begging him to marry her (Sir D!ck thought
that’s exactly what would happen since, you know, desperate and that),
Richard thought it’s time for plan 2— which is pretty much compromising
her. No easier way to make a girl run for the altar
than a compromise of her reputation!
And that’s what D!ck does in
the next scene, catching Iris in total surprise, kissing her somewhere
someone is bound to find out. Unsurprisingly, they’re caught by Sarah’s
mother and sisters and some other people I can’t remember now. The deed
was done and Sir D!ck could now dance a jig. Iris looked confused, a bit
wounded too because she still couldn’t understand the rush. She didn’t
know Richard enough to consent to marry him... and God she wanted to be
in love the way her cousins were. She knew very well that Richard
wasn’t head over heels in love with her, not even close. Why then, now
she has to consent to a marriage that might turn out to be a disaster?
Worst still, to a man whom she regarded as someone special, and maybe,
just maybe would’ve come to love given time, in a proper courtship?
That’s what nightmares are made of!
Iris’ younger sister Daisy is
the most vaporous of the bunch, and good God, she can get on one’s
nerves without even trying really hard. She’s not only horrible with her
own instrument (though not enough sense to get it), she’s chatty as
hell, self-centered and equally spoiled. I don’t know how anyone could
stand the girl but she was just a waste of space. Thankfully, after
Iris’s marriage, the whole story moves to Richard’s estate in a faraway
county, Maycliffe, so we don’t get to see her again in the story. But
that doesn’t mean I wasn’t miserable, just as much as Iris, maybe even
more so. I simply couldn’t believe what was happening! Really,
why Iris?
Before her marriage, Sarah stops by
to give Iris some good wishes and sisterly advice. It was apparent that
she was more of a sister and a friend to Iris than any of her own has
ever been. Sarah’s obvious love for Hugh breaks Iris’ heart, though
she’s no less happy for her cousin than she’d been before. Even if the
thought makes her miserable for her upcoming marriage, Iris would put up
a face and soldier on. She’d try her best to go through it without any
more drama.
On the other hand, I wouldn’t say that Sir D!ck was
happy and dancing the jig I previously mentioned. He was guild-ridden,
heavy hearted for doing what he had done to Iris. It seemed he had some
genuine regards for her, yet because of that ‘secret’, it had to be done
this way. Even if it means making Iris miserable for the rest of her
life. So, am I supposed to understand him and shower
them with my congratulations? Blood well not! Every f*cking thing
Richard thought had nothing to do with Iris’s well being or the state of
her heart, or her feelings. It was all about his ‘secret’ and how it
had to be done. That he had no other way. I mean,
really jerk? You’re ruining a girl’s life, for what?
No matter
how their marriage started out, Iris still hoped that once they get to
know each-other a bit, things would change. And God knows she wanted her
husband to touch her, to show her what it’s like to become a
real woman. But sadly, from the get-go, Richard
refuses to touch her more than necessary. Oh he’d kiss her sometimes,
which effectively proved that he wanted her, but then, he’d just push
her away. Iris becomes so confused that my head started throbbing. At
first, she thought he didn’t want her because, well, she knew she wasn’t
any revered beauty. Other than that, she had no idea. And it got old
and nerve-wreaking after a while. Frustrating as hell, even for Richard.
At first, I thought his ‘secret’ had possibly something to do with his
inheritance. But soon, I figured it wasn’t the case. Then I thought,
OMG, had he some kinda physical problems? From all the hard-ons he was
getting just from kissing Iris, that also apparently wasn’t the case.
Then WHAT??????
We find out as they step into Maycliffe and we meet Richard’s younger sisters.
lost his parents young. He had no interest in taking care of his
sisters at that age when he’s supposed to live the life of a young rake,
so he just packed them up and send them off to their aunt’s. It was
apparent Fleur, the eldest, didn’t like him all that much. Marie-Claire,
the youngest though, was still gullible enough to harbor no ill
feelings. Yet. According to Richard, he’s been trying his best to take
care of them, and amend for the time he’d lost. Now, there’s a bigger
problem ahead and Richard would to just about anything to resolve it,
including ruining another girl’s life, something he’d already done.
time with his wife was going pretty rough since they arrived at
Maycliffe. His sisters weren’t present at that time, the aunt thinking
the newlyweds would appreciate some private time. But Richard knew if he
stayed alone with Iris without the ‘diverting’ presence of his sisters,
he’d surely end up bedding her, his resistance wearing thin each
moment. He even tries to divert Iris’ attentions by taking her to the
village to meet his tenants as the new Lady Kenworthy. Yet he also knew
it’ll not work. Iris isn’t an idiot, that she’s hurt and disappointed in
him, bewildered by his actions. He wanted her, there was no doubt about
it... Then WTF was the problem?!
I was dying to know this
‘secret’ of his because I couldn’t take it any longer. Aaaand, we’re
treated with that bit of gossip as soon as the sisters return and Fleur
starts acting like a b!tch towards anything and everything, which
includes Richard and Iris. One day, Iris is taken aback when she’s
forced to get involved in a quarrel between the brother and the sister…
and learned that, yep, Fleur is pregnant and the father of the baby is
nowhere in sight. He’s apparently now deceased. And THAT was THE secret
of Sir D!ck! Richard’s plan was to pass off the child as his and Iris’
so that both his sisters’ futures aren’t ruined by this event. He ruined
an innocent girl’s hopes and dreams by duping her so that he can keep
his own sisters’ alive? Am I supposed to be amazed by this, hmm Richard?
He knew what he was doing, he knew if the baby is a boy, he’d be
Richard’s heir and their natural children wouldn’t even have a chance.
He knew this was beyond reproach, yet he must do it for his sisters’
I didn’t know what struck me more incredulous, if was the
fact that Richard was so selfish that he didn’t care for Iris’ feelings
AT ALL, going as far as to force her to agree (since they’re married,
Iris had no other option) to his plan or if it was the fact that after a
while, it seemed that Iris would give in without putting up a fight.
While I was contemplating this, instead, it was Fleur who refused to
give in, not wanting to give up her child. She was adamant of becoming a
new widow to have the child somewhere far away. But Richard would have
none of it, and his plan will have to do!
I was so disappointed,
frustrated and angry that I left reading for a while in search of some
other diversion, especially when Iris didn’t even put up a fight about
the matter. Yes she was angry, hurt beyond anything. But she was already
falling for that D!ck (SERIOUSLY????), enough to give his plan a push,
all the while looking like a martyr in this whole farce. I couldn’t
believe what I was reading! Simply couldn’t! Iris, how can you freakin’
fall in love with an incredible a$$ such as Richard? HOW? Not only that,
she tried her best to carry on with her daily routine, which I’d say
is, at best, going through the motion. Unbelievable!! Every time she put
up a face, try to have a civilized conversation with that a$$ as if he
didn’t betray her and didn’t put her in a situation so life altering,
and acknowledged to herself just how much she’d fallen in love with him,
I simply wanted to scream like a banshee!!!
I didn’t care if
Richard was stewing in the hell of his own making. Didn’t care if he had
a permanent hard on yet couldn’t do anything about it. If he was so
frustrated and guilt-ridden that he went on a drinking binge. I couldn’t
bloody care less if he lost his schlong in the process!! I simply
didn’t care about his sisters either, even if it makes me a bad person.
And when it was revealed just how much of an idiot
Fleur was... simply put, I wanted to beat that girl up, pregnant or not.
She didn’t want to give away the baby, but she lied about the real
father! God help me.
*breathing some air in*
Again, this was
nothing like any JQ book I’ve ever read. I couldn’t even believe I was
reading a JQ book since I don’t think I’ve hated a H as much as I hated
Richard. He had no redeeming qualities and if you’re talking about
groveling, there were precious few at the end, which didn’t do anything
for me. He should be kissing Iris’ feet for the rest of his life. I hope
he does.
Such a disappointing end to a fabulous series! 3 stars, but barely made it.
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