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Promo Spotlight and Giveaway: Crown of Betrayal by Graceley Knox

Thursday, August 10, 2017

I'm hosting, today, a promo on Graceley Knox's latest Fantasy/Paranormal romance, Crown of Betrayal (Wicked Kingdoms #2), as a part of the ongoing VBT. The giveaway includes a $10 Amazon GC, so don't forget to enter via rafflecopter below! Note that Crown of Betrayal is available for free on Kindle Unlimited!!
Crown of Betrayal
Graceley Knox
(Wicked Kingdoms #2)
Published: August 8, 2017
Now that the threat to Ever is imprisoned and gone for good, she can focus on what really matters: getting rid of the goblins living in her house as “protection” and getting back to work capturing rogue Fae for the Magical Enforcement and Containment Agency. Too bad fate doesn’t agree with her plans.

Ever’s mother is still missing, and Ever and her crew must find an ancient race long believed dead. As questions pile up and danger creeps closer, Ever can no longer deny the pull Dare has over her heart. And her body. As they forge a new bond, betrayal strikes, and it’s closer to home than either of them could have imagined.

Trouble stirs. Alliances fall. The only thing that binds them together is the trust they’ve put in each other and the emotions Ever refuses to name. Everything starts to crumble, and those Ever protects are no longer free from danger. Will she keep those she holds dear safe? Or will she be left to pick up the pieces? 

Buy Links:
Amazon US | Amazon UK

Other Book(s) in the Wicked Kingdoms Series:

Mark of Truth
(Wicked Kingdoms #1)




About the Author:

Graceley Knox is an up and coming paranormal and fantasy romance author with a serious caffeine and book addiction. She prefers to listen to music while she writes and is a former New Englander living on the Gulf Coast of Florida.

By day she works in the publishing industry, and by night, she plots out the many ideas cluttering her mind. When she’s not reading, writing, or hanging out with her largeextended family you can find her on her various social media accounts.

Author Links:
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(Note: I received this promo+giveaway info from Bare Naked Words. ~Punya)


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