Today, I'm hosting a promo on Khardine Gray's latest contemporary romance release, When Beauty Met the Beast (Vandervilles #1), as a part of the ongoing book blitz Also find an excerpt for your enjoyment. The giveaway includes an e-copy of the featured book (open worldwide), so don't forget to enter via rafflecopter below! Also note that When Beauty Met the Beast is free on kindle unlimited!!
Cover Artist: Erin Dameron-Hill
Double betrayal, despair…
Waiting for a wedding proposal, Taylor is instead handed betrayal. Her cheating father betrays his wife and shatters his daughter’s heart at the same moment she discovers the man she loves has been lying to her.
Careers hang in the balance…
What do the Vanderville Matriarch’s powerful position in the fashion industry, a greedy States attorney, and a budding creative director all have in common? Careers compromised by the cold hunger of a vengeful person.
Surrender yourself to the gripping story surrounding the Vanderville Family and their friends.
Discover for yourself if love, both romantic and familial, can survive the frigid reality of betrayal and revenge.
An Excerpt from When Beauty Met the Beast:
Was someone watching Ben, and sending him threatening messages? Honestly, it didn't surprise her. Only God knew how many enemies the man must have had.
With her heart pounding and hands shaking she started opening the smaller envelopes. The first one gripped her, it had a drawing of Ben in his office at work. Sitting on his desk in a very seductive manner was an image of his busty secretary blowing kisses at him.
The next letter, however, brought home the seriousness of the situation to her as she read it. It was written in dark red ink and stated:
You shouldn't have so much sugar in your coffee, and your wife shouldwear the new lipstick shebought last week. It will match that dress she'swearing perfectly.
Taylor should take better care of hercat,and Wadeneeds better lighting in his room. It would be a shame for him to leave again when he's only just returned.
It was only after she read that that realization truly dawned on her and tore at her insides.
Regina gasped. This person wasn't just watching Ben. It was all of them. They were watching all of them, and this note was recent. As in a few days ago recent. Wade had only been home since Monday, and she bought that lipstick last week.
Cold terror gripped her in its icy embrace, and she could do nothing but stand there and stare at the note, paralyzed with fright. Someone was watching them, and watching so closely that they knew how much sugar Ben put in his coffee.
Were they watching her now? Could they see her?
She whirled around and looked at the large casement window behind her. Maybe they could see her in here. Maybe they had cameras set up inside the house.
She looked back to the note to read it again, and noticed how the letters on some of the words smudged out. That was when it occurred to her that it wasn't written in red ink.
It was…blood!
Khardine Gray is a contemporary romance author who lives in England with her husband and two kids. She is well travelled, cultured, and a woman with a passion for dancing and ice skating.
When not writing you can catch her shopping, indulging on pizza and hot chocolate, or hanging out with her family and friends.
No need to spend money on an airline ticket. Simply pick up one of Khardine's books to become immersed in the fascinating stories and characters she creates.
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(Note: I received this promo+giveaway info from LoveBound Promotions. ~Punya)
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