To Love a Texas Ranger
Men of Legend #1
Linda Broday
Western Historical Romance
Published in 2016
H/h - Sam Legend/Sierra Hunt
Setting: Texas, 1877.
Read in December, 2016.
[spoiler alert]
Men of Legend #1
Linda Broday
Western Historical Romance
Published in 2016
H/h - Sam Legend/Sierra Hunt
Setting: Texas, 1877.
Read in December, 2016.
My rating: 

[spoiler alert]
Linda Broday’s To Love a Texas Ranger
is a brand new western historical romance and book 1 of her Men of
Legend series. I’ve been waiting for this one because I read and loved
other western historical series, Bachelors of Battle Creek.
like Bachelors of Battle Creek, Men of Legend will focus on a family or a
‘band of brothers’ if you can call them. Even though, the brothers of
Bachelors of Battle Creek series weren’t brothers by blood, these
Legends brothers certainly are! The first book focuses on Sam Legend, a
Texas Ranger, estranged from his family for a while because of his job.
Legend always knew he had a wanderer’s soul and the job of a Texas
Ranger suited him just fine. Even though his father, Stoker, is one of
the richest Ranchers living out there with miles and miles worth of
lands and kettle, Sam knew ranching isn’t his call. His elder brother,
Houston, was doing great on that regard. However, things weren’t as it
seemed. The bond between the father and the brothers were thin,
something deteriorated since their mother’s passing some 17yrs. ago.
It’s then their father started drinking, becoming way too focused on
acquiring more lands and kettle, making more money than caring for his
sons. Everyone knew that grief did it to him but that was no excuse. Sam
wanted out and even with his father’s protests he got out as soon as he
could. Stoker let him, knowing he can’t stop him. After all, he’s a
Legend and they are a stubborn lot.
Sam though, didn’t think any
of his family approved of what he chose to be his profession until he
was well into it. His father wasn’t the type of show off his affection
and Sam had a volatile relationship with Houston. The last time he
visited family, that was years ago, he had an ugly fight with Houston,
who was frustrated being holed up in the Ranch to do his duty as the
eldest, rather than seeing anything of the world like Sam was; at least
the greater Texas. Stoker does surprise Sam by showing his approval in a
way he expected the least. That was quite the bittersweet visit.
when he’s caught by an unknown enemy while doing his job alone, Sam
discovered that his luck has run out. That mean SOB and his men decided
they wanted Sam to hang, a fate that’d be theirs if Sam caught them. It
would’ve been the most horrible way to go, and Sam was feeling about
everything that a dying man probably could; the pain, the confusion, the
anger, then the gut-wrenching realization that he’d never see his
father and brother again, with that came the regret of not reconciling
with them when he had the time. Sam was feeling it all.......
suddenly, came some sort of divine intervention! The enemy left leaving
him chocking but someone was watching him from afar, a fact Sam knew.
Sam also knew who it was, an outlaw he’s been searching for but was
unable to capture—Luke Weston. It was frustrating but he didn’t
understand this weird dance he’d been dancing with the outlaw. It
seemed, knowing he’s wanted and will hang for his crimes, Luke was
always around, somewhere and Sam could detect him with his fine Ranger’s
instinct. However, when Sam caught up with him, Luke would always find a
way to escape and disappear. Then when times like this, Sam needed help
and backup, Luke was helping him from afar. He’d helped him before and
he was here today as well. The last thing Sam saw before losing
consciousness was a pair of green eyes staring down at him. He knew
those eyes quite well.
It’s been a month ad Sam hasn’t forgotten anything about that horrible day. PTSD has set in. Sam felt disoriented, would jump at shadows. There were nightmares
causing sleepless nights. And all of these were hampering his
performance as a Ranger, a fact his boss had already pointed out. One
day, he calls Sam to tell him to take a few days off. He stresses for
Sam to go back home and rest. But Sam doesn’t take this easily. He was
already in a bad mood because earlier, he thought he’d seen something— a
distressed woman pursued by a man. But because it was raining heavily,
he couldn’t determine if he really saw something or
was it just another false alarm like the ones he’s been having for the
past year. His boss’s was an order, something he’s going to have to
obey. Like it or, Sam Legend was temporarily dismissed from his duty.
Now what will he do? Returning to the Ranch didn’t sound appealing but
maybe it’s time to go back and make amends with his father and brother.
before he could think of anything else, Sam comes across the same
woman, as if fate has arranged them to meet again when she’s rather
unceremoniously dumped on his lap. And from that moment on, Sierra Hunt
becomes Sam’s responsibility in every way possible. Sam figures out soon
enough what he’d seen that day wasn’t wrong. Sierra was indeed being
pursuit by a band of criminals. Sierra’s brother, Rocky, used to run a
newspaper. He went missing before that and Sierra had no idea if he was
even alive after all these months. Then they came for her, asking for
the copy of a map she had no idea about. Since then, Sierra had tried
escaping a few times, finally succeeding. But the criminals weren’t far
behind. Sam gets a hold of the situation from his almost infallible
Ranger instinct and becomes her protector instantly.
But behind
them was another man and Sam couldn’t tell who he was. A man who was
trying to help them get away. He seemed familiar but Sam couldn’t figure
out who he was...until they’re out of those men’s range and the man
catches up with him. His green eyes seemed so familiar that Sam feels a
déjà vu coming. All three of them take shelter planning on their next
move to get Sierra to safety. And that has to be Lone Star Ranch,
Stoker’s place. It would the safest place for anyone with Stoker having
his own band of trained men constantly checking the perimeter. Sam was
already feeling overprotective of Sierra, who seemed to have the deepest
faith on Sam Legend, the famous Ranger. It was also true that people
knew Sam by his fabulous work in capturing branded criminals. They also
knew he’d cheated certain death. Sam wouldn’t call himself Lazarus but
what he’d gone through, he wouldn’t wish it on anyone. He was also
hating the other man flirting with Sierra constantly, calling her
“dulce” every so often. :D
Soon enough Sam figures out the man
accompanying them. It WAS Luke Weston, the criminal he’s supposed to
arrest and transport. But he’s also the man who saved his life more than
once. Sam was indebted to him. When confronted, Luke readily
acknowledges that he’s, indeed, who Sam is looking for. The animosity
between them was palpable but it wasn’t laden with acrid hatred. It was
something they couldn’t figure out. Sierra comes between them before
they could come to blow and requests them to think clearly. They need to
move away from here, far from those outlaws. Sam decides it’d be for
the best to head towards his father’s Ranch, then figure out what to do
about this new situation. But their journey isn’t quite smooth. Those
men catch up with them and Luke is injured. When they finally reach the
ranch, Stoker had already gotten news that he was coming from his men.
The criminals were already in pursuit but backs off seeing Stoker,
Houston and their men.
Stoker and Houston couldn’t believe Sam
had come home finally, even if he stunk to high heaven! Both were more
than eager to resolve their differences, as was Sam. They had heard of
his almost hanging and been worried about him ever since.
were about to get even complicated for the Legend family. Whereas Sierra
was welcomed with an open arm, which she appreciated a lot, Luke wasn’t
so good. In fact, Sam didn’t understand his mood all that much. An even
bigger, more surprising truth was about to be revealed, an incident
Luke himself puts into motion. I already had my suspicions about it and
finally got it confirmed when Luke got caught in Stoker’s library, doing
something in the night. Sam and Houston were concerned despite
themselves about keeping a known outlaw like Luke around for several
reasons; one was being robbed by him, which initially what it seemed
like. But it wasn’t. In fact, Luke was placing something on Stoker’s
desk; a memento Stoker recognized the moment he laid eyes on it.
there it was confirmed by Stoker himself that Luke had to be his son!
That he had a Mexican sweetheart for a while, even wanted to marry her
but things weren’t on their side. They were forced to separate, never to
see each-other again. A heartbroken Stoker then returned to his ranch
and married Sam and Houston’s mother. So, in that regard, Luke is his
eldest son, who also happen to possess Stoker’s green eyes. It also
makes Luke the heir, not Houston. So yeah, to say it came as a surprise
to the bothers was kind of an understatement. Both Sam and Houston had
no idea how to react at that point. Questions were swirling in their
heads. Did their father cheat on their mother (before Stoker cleared the
‘timeline’ out)? Did he even love their mother, when it seemed his love
for his Mexican Senorita was much deeper, whom he even called his true
love? What now? Does Luke want his share of the inheritance? Why the
hell has he been trailing Sam? Was it only because he already knew of
their relationship or was there something else in there?
it was, the bothers do accept Luke quite easily into their folds. Only
he himself wasn’t that easy to deal with. Luke was moody, prone to anger
and kept his distance, his deep-seated dislike for Stoker and his money
quite palpable. Of course, he was angry! Luke lived in poverty all his
life, as his mother had, who worked menial jobs until her death support
them when his supposed father was richer than Croesus himself. He had to
turn bad to survive, forge his own way into the world whereas his
brothers had a home and security he’d never known. It wasn’t something
someone takes easily. However, Stoker was repentant and wanted his son
back. He wanted to be a father even if it seemed too late to be one to
Luke. If only Luke would give them a chance...
Even when Sam and
the rest try to find out a way to deal with these outlaws pursuing
Sierra, something more intimate begins blossoming between them, which
seemed inevitable since their first meeting. But there were also quite a
bit of misunderstanding. Sam was determined to carry on as a Ranger,
which is not only a difficult job but also quite dangerous. He didn’t
want to settle down, then leave a family behind. I thought, from his
POV, it was logical. However, Sierra was already halfway in love with
him, as was Sam himself. He wanted it, but didn’t know if he can have it
so he kept pushing Sierra away. Sierra understood his POV too, yet it
didn’t hurt any less. She was quite heartbroken by his behavior.
and the rest wanted her to be here as long as she felt comfortable
after her pursuers are dealt with but Sierra was becoming ever more
determined to leave ASAP. She couldn’t endure anymore of Sam’s
rejection. She didn’t have a great childhood. A tragedy took 2 lives in
her family. Her father was quite aloof and distant. He was also, for
some reason, quite mean to Sierra and blamed her for everything which
caused hurt and insecurity so deep that she had self-esteem issues.
Sam’s behavior didn’t help matters at all. She wanted nothing but to
have her own family. She didn’t want a wondering life or a waiting wife
always scared of something happening to her husband, exact opposite of
the life Sam could give her. So she begins thinking she’s not good
enough for anyone, so why would Sam want to settle down with her? It
seems odds are always stacked against her.
Trouble following
Sierra eventually finds them again, this time they manage to kidnap
Sierra. Sam not only had to deal with this, but also watched Luke siding
with those outlaws which broke his heart twice in one day. The betrayal
of it shocked him. It seemed there was no redemption possible for his
new found half-brother. But he needed to save Sierra, whom he knew he
had come to love despite everything that had gone on between them and
all the things he’d told himself to stay away from her. Sierra grounded
him, took away his nightmares. He hadn’t felt this good ever since his
almost hanging. Sam knew he needed her in his life and this time, he’d
fight tooth and nail to get the love of his life back. And when he does,
he’s never letting her go.
With some great actions and twisted
revelations, we’re also given a hint of what’s to come next. I’m still
not sure if the next book is Luke’s or not but I’d definitely like to
find out. He was one hot guy and I find myself wanting to be the object
of his intense green stare. Oh boy! :P
As for this one, I liked
everything...almost. One thing that bugged me half the story was the
dialogue between Sam and Sierra. Since they started falling for
each-other, their dialogue and interactions began to sound too cheesy
for my liking. :/ I may have rolled my eyes once or twice. But this is
definitely a matter of personal preference so don’t let me deter you
from trying To Love a Texas Ranger out. Linda Broday writes
about very down-to-earth, honorable men who are extremely protective of
their loved ones and will do anything for them. I love this trait, which
makes all her books worth a shot. As you can see, Sam was no different.
:) 3.5 stars.
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