Cover Him With Darkness
The Book of the Watchers #1
Janine Ashbless
Published in 2014
H/h - Azazel the Fallen/Milja
Setting: Present time (with elements of time-travel).
Read in November, 2014.
[spoiler alert]
The Book of the Watchers #1
Janine Ashbless
Published in 2014
H/h - Azazel the Fallen/Milja
Setting: Present time (with elements of time-travel).
Read in November, 2014.
My rating:

[spoiler alert]
I’ve been dying to write a review for Cover Him With Darkness
by Janine Ashbless, The Book of the Watchers #1. The 2 reasons why I
wanted to read this was, that it apparently had a fallen angel in it, a
theme I really love and the title caught my eyes.
Now, prior to reading this, I had no idea Cover Him With Darkness is a line from the Book of Enoch, that connects to the fallen angel, Azazel and how he was banished for eternity for corrupting the human race. My idea about these references is vague at best, which is why I’ll stick to the story itself. I did some internet search while reading this book, to learn more about Azazel. His is even more vague. In some places he’s called a fallen angel, in some a demon, in others he’s even referred to as Satan. The only thing I got from it all that you’re not supposed to consort with the likes of him, especially if you’re not equipped to play with his fire. LOL Fortunately, the book itself did a good job of giving me an idea of him, albeit fiction-wise. He was a tough to like character, let alone love. I have read some fallen angel stories before, but the fallen angel in question had won my heart nonetheless. I wasn’t even sure how Azazel can be a ‘hero’ when he’s such a brilliant douchebag! But WOW, the flow of the story was so good that I had to keep reading to know what’s coming next.
Now, prior to reading this, I had no idea Cover Him With Darkness is a line from the Book of Enoch, that connects to the fallen angel, Azazel and how he was banished for eternity for corrupting the human race. My idea about these references is vague at best, which is why I’ll stick to the story itself. I did some internet search while reading this book, to learn more about Azazel. His is even more vague. In some places he’s called a fallen angel, in some a demon, in others he’s even referred to as Satan. The only thing I got from it all that you’re not supposed to consort with the likes of him, especially if you’re not equipped to play with his fire. LOL Fortunately, the book itself did a good job of giving me an idea of him, albeit fiction-wise. He was a tough to like character, let alone love. I have read some fallen angel stories before, but the fallen angel in question had won my heart nonetheless. I wasn’t even sure how Azazel can be a ‘hero’ when he’s such a brilliant douchebag! But WOW, the flow of the story was so good that I had to keep reading to know what’s coming next.
Cover Him With Darkness
is a fast-paced story that tells you about a girl named Milja of
Montenegro, and how her life changes dramatically when she releases ‘The
Prisoner’ of her childhood memories and broken adult dreams.
prologue was incredible. I had shivers as I was reading it, just as I
had pretty much throughout. It gives us an idea (I was thinking of
Blizarrd’s Diablo II animations, old but still gold!) of how this
Prisoner was imprisoned in the first place.
A winged bull and a
lion, an eagle and a man, or so they seemed like, carry this beaten up
thing that vaguely looked like a human form, to a mountain top. He was,
in fact, so badly beaten up and so small comparing to his captors that
you couldn’t tell. Then, they proceed to bind him with these bloody
rope-like things, do some unbelievable things that can only be termed as
more torture. But the man still seemed alive, though in severe pain,
through it all. They just leave him there, bound, buried, hopeless....
in the soft rain.
... or that’s the dream Milja had woken up to
for many years, with her pillows wet from tears. Just imagine if it was
your dream...
Milja remembers the prisoner, and somehow knows
this is all connected to him. The story then moves forward with her
narratives, telling us how her gentle, priest of a father used to take a
young Milja to this mountain prison held directly under their own
small, lonesome dwelling on a mountaintop, close to a small village. How
Milja grew up seeing the prisoner, seemingly alive, hurt, naked,
tightly tied to the rocks of his prison. The open sky overhead would
give a magnificent view, but that’s all he has gotten for eternity. Or
so her father told her. He told her that it was their heritage, a deeply
guarded secret not even the church knew of. That they have to guard
this ‘bad thing’ with their life if necessary, so that it never escapes
and wrecks havoc on the world. Little Milja didn’t know how can a man
who looked just like a man, so broken and helpless,
can harm anyone? She didn’t know for a while who this being actually was
but her soft heart would cry out for him because she knew he watched
her when she was there with her father when he would sometimes feed him a
little or wash his face.
As she grew older, Milja’s perspective,
however, changes. Because she was sort of forced to grow up so secluded
and lonely, her only escape was to go down to the prison and pay a
visit to the prisoner. And he knew whenever she was there, softly,
hesitatingly calling out her name in a rough, barely used voice. Milja
somehow knew her destiny was stitched with him, that somehow they’d be
together... someday. As an adult, even knowing Azazel’s ‘sins’ (thanks
to her father’s teachings she’s good at those references), Milja still
couldn’t help but feel for his plight. She couldn’t imagine the
eternities he’d spend here, all alone, in this way. It simply broke her
heart. No amount of her father’s caution, that he’d play a fool out of
her for his own selfish gains, changed Milja’s feelings.
Then one
day, at 18, she was caught. It was also Milja’s first education in
erotic sensations because she had always imagined him naked, even when
she didn’t know what she was looking for. She only wanted to clean him a
little and feed him, which turned into a kiss, and a little more.......
but when he father finds out, he’s furious, scared even. The result?
Milja is finds herself plane bound to Boston to live with a distant
You can’t imagine how excited I was when I was reading
these parts. He was like a calling for Milja, who definitely wanted to
do something about Azazel. But soon I discovered that the story wasn’t
going exactly how I envisioned it’d go. That Azazel is no Knight in
Shining Armor, at least for a long while in the story...
When the
words reach a couple of years later that her father is gravely ill,
Mijla returns to her small village. By then, she has finished her
studies in the U.S. and has a job. She was even briefly engaged to this
American guy. But the demise of this relationship, very unsurprisingly,
was another erotic dream of Milja about the Prisoner. I won’t tell you
how but she just knew that she can’t be with anyone
else. It was, as if, he was always connected to her in some otherworldly
way. Why her exactly, that though, Milja didn’t know.
From the
moment she sets foot at her village, Milja’s life turns upside down,
quite literally. First, she finds her father gravely ill. After the very
emotional reunion, she’s left to take care of her father’s business,
which leads her to their home. Milja feels nostalgic, a bit lost too but
also a secretive exhilaration because her father told her
he’s still there. She can’t wait to visit him once
Milja’s reunion with her Prisoner was another scene to
behold. She was so overwhelmed seeing him again, and the longing in his
eyes, that she doesn’t think twice before cutting off his bonds. It was
impulsive, yet a simple urge. She just couldn’t take the impact of that
connection between them and everything starts unraveling even before she
could process what was happening. Azazel not only gains his old self
back in matter of minutes, if not seconds, he also seems preoccupied.
Though he kisses Milja again and again, as if he has stalked some kinda
claim on her, Azazel’s true intention is never really known... until,
well, I really can’t tell you how odd the next scenes were that they
took me by complete surprise. However foolish or illogical that was,
Milja wanted him in a way that she can’t even explain. If anyone knows
Azazel (as it’s referred in the book more than once) that he’s also the
instigator of carnal sins. They do have sex in a heartbeat, on an open
place where anyone can see, thanks to his transportation. It was rough
and so unexpected that Milja was left breathless in disbelief. But
nothing flabbergasted her (or me) more than this; Azazel then just
vanishes into thin air, leaving Milja just like that. No sweet words or
cuddling, no goodbyes... Just nada. He’s gone.
was plain horrified by his behavior. I was like WTF is this?
pay for her father’s medical bills, Milja goes to sell some valuable
artifacts from the temple; a step instigated by her father himself to
pay for the expenses of her studies. This was supposed to be a somewhat
fuzzily guided secret transaction with a local black-market guy that her
father used to know. Sadly, the transaction goes awry and Milja finds
herself as the target of the church, not only for selling church
properties illegally but also, for unleashing an evil creature upon the
world that just might lead to its ruin!
On the run, Milja
suddenly finds a friend. Egan, the guy she met on the plane journey back
here. I always thought he seeing Milja at the same time she was
escaping those church people, was rather very convenient... and it
proved to be true later in the story. But at this moment, she had not
one friendly face around her. When somehow, after a chaotic day, she
returns to the hospital where her father was at that moment, Azazel
decides to drop by, as if to claim his territory. Milja’s heart still
beats faster seeing his tanned skin and ethereal gray eyes, the leanly
handsome face that doesn’t show many emotions. But the eyes tell her
that he wants her and Milja can’t help but burn. But after all that’s
happened to her and since his abandonment, the logical part of Milja is
mad. What occurs after that, is everyone else knowing what she had done.
Azazel on the other hand, seems completely confused by this hatred of
him... Well, he did seem like a zombie to me, as if his brain couldn’t
process why she was not ecstatic to have been becoming his ‘wife’ or
fiancée, something like that. He claims her as such in front of a crowd,
which is how Milja is forced to face the ages old superstitions and
gut-wrenching hatred of her own people, earning her the title the
‘Demon’s Whore’. But Milja doesn’t care about anyone except for her
father, his disappointed face while he watched helpless as an angry
Azazel calls him ‘father-in-law’ sarcastically before he abandons her
once again, telling her to make up her mind.
I was having
another of my WTF moments there, as in, am I supposed to call this thing
a ‘hero’? And what part is Egan going to
play in this mess?
The answers begin to unravel in the next few
chapters, fast and furious. First of all, Milja’s father dies that
night, which she knew was a murder by the church people. She had a vague
recollection of watching them going into his room before falling asleep
exhausted. Then she’s wakes to a rude awakening when her own family
turns on her. She’s forced to flee once again to Egan. He willingly
helps her, giving her a home to stay. After that, their journey to flee
from those fanatics takes them all over Montenegro and beyond.
seemed like any girl’s dream come true; young and handsome, blue-eyed
blonde with an Irish heritage. He also seemed to be reluctant to touch
Milja unless necessary. I mean, there was this hesitant attraction
between her and Egan, I even cheered for that for a while, seeing how
our other ‘hero’ was not in sight unless in Milja’s dirty, pervy erotic
dreams, where they’d have sex in public. I was pretty sure it was all
Azazel’s doing. So, yah, I was not as excited about him as I thought I
would be.
Milja and Egan’s frenzied journey comes to a stop just before them
leaving for Italy, as planned by Egan, who seemed to have ‘contacts’ to
seek help from and an unending supply of money. Milja at that point had
nothing to do but trust him with her life. I was really feeling for her,
yet I was also completely confused as to where this is going. Where was
that big piece of fallen-angel jerk when she needed his help? I mean
how could anyone hurt her when he seemed to be so possessive her?
When they’re attacked, Milja on a
desperate attempt to save Egan from these men, calls out to Azazel
strongly... And THAT is when he comes to her in flight, as if realizing
for the first time that she’s in danger, unleashing his wrath on the
whole party. He saves Milja but as the douche he is, leaves Egan behind
(or should I call it jealousy?). Milja is supremely unhappy and I
couldn’t blame her. She at first demands answers from him, and Azazel
simply tells her he had NO IDEA that she was in danger. That he doesn’t
have those powers to track, unless she calls out to him.
That is only when he can know. Also, that the erotic
dreams weren’t instigated by him, but by Milja’s own dirty desires,
though Azazel definitely enjoyed playing along. Then, Milja demands that
he save Egan if he loves her a bit. The style of that demand sets
something completely off and Azazel is angry at her, once again. This
time he was surely surprised and deeply hurt and leaves her once again.
Milja later finds out she’s in Boston, standing atop her own apartment
building, out of the harm’s way at least for now.
Milja couldn’t
get out of there without a passport or money, but she had nothing on her
when her ‘boyfriend’ dumped her here. But in her dreams, she keeps
seeing Azazel, who keeps unraveling once each time and a story bit by
bit of a fallen angel who fell in love with a human woman, had children
with her millions of years ago, comes into view. Milja becomes jealous
knowing he had loved someone so much before her, drenched in confusion,
not knowing his real feelings for her. She wanted his
love, but would that wish ever come true? What Milja didn’t know was
the next part of the story that was full of tragedies, and lead to
Azazel’s eternal imprisonment.
This time Milja seeks help from
Uriel. Though she’d met him a few times before, and he’s an opponent of
Azazel, she had no other option. Uriel obviously didn’t want to but she
convinces him. Uriel finds Egan’s whereabouts and transports Milja
there. But before that, the next part of Azazel’s story seem to open up
before her, I’m not sure with what Divine Intervention. It was full of
such compelling scenes, only Milja was there seeing it as if for real; a
silent spectator that no one saw or heard. It was about how Azazel’s
family was killed, and how he was bound in that mountaintop. A bloody,
explosive war between him and Archangel Raphael; the ‘bad’ and the
‘good’. If only one peeked behind the scenes, one would know what was
really happening; a grieving father burning down the
world around him, fighting the murderer of his family.
that, I knew Milja had a positively deep understanding of Azazel’s mood
swings, also why he got mad at her on that rooftop. Why he seems so
dejected every time they met in one dream or the other, thinking he
would never have her love. Milja wasn’t nice to him on occasions because
he didn’t help Egan. That was going to change now, but first, Milja
needs to save Egan, her only friend in this whole mess. She hands
herself over to those fanatics in hopes of saving Egan, not knowing
anything about their plan. Turns out, they wanted to bind Azazel again,
this time in a way that he’d die for sure. No better way to acquire it
than to bring in his whore, right?
The last chapters are superbly
action-filled, with loads of twists and turns that surprised me over
and over again. All hell breaks loose when Azazel FINALLY gets involved
for the ultimate showdown to save his girl. There were bitterness and
betrayal, not to mention Egan’s disappointing revelation. Cover Him With Darkness
has a slight erotic undertone, yet Milja and Azazel have sex only twice
for real in the whole story. Still it was hot, I loved it. But what I
loved most was the ending where Milja had to choose just how far she’s
willing to fall with her angel. After all was said and done, there was
this hauntingly heartbreaking scene here that I have to mention when
Milja ‘sees’ her father again, which I felt was Azazel’s gift to her so
that she can make peace with herself. It brought tears to my eyes.
did Azazel prove he would do anything for Milja when it comes down to
that? I believe he did. Though they were kept separated throughout
most of the story, and there were instances where I thought this one’s
going down, I’d like to congratulate the author for slapping it back on
my face twice over. The ending is pretty much open, so I’m hoping the
next book comes out soon. It was hinted at the end that Azazel is thinking of doing something for his brothers. I can’t wait to find out more! 4.5
stars and recommended.
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