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Guest Post and Giveaway: 10 Things About Lorenz Font, Author of Feather Light

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Today I have a Guest Post by author Lorenz Font as a part of the Feather Light VBT from The Writer's Coffee Shop. Also, don't forget to enter the giveaway via rafflecopter (below!).


10 Things About Author Lorenz Font

Tell your readers 10 things about you that they might not know. (That you want to share. :))

1. I used to churn out chapters like I change clothes. With my first novel Hunted, I wrote one chapter every weeknight and multiple chapters during the weekend. The first draft of the novel was completed in forty five days. Lately, it takes me longer considering the other things that need my attention. I don’t require much while I write. A quiet place is necessary. The only place in our house where I have the peace I need is the garage, away from our noisy dogs. I usually chat while writing and having background music is a must.

2. Book characters I adore. Edward Cullen—Twilight Saga, Wrath—Black Dagger Brotherhood series, Harrow, Tor and Rohnert—they are characters I want everyone to meet from The Gates Legacy trilogy.

3. After a busy day of writing and editing (not to mention a full day at work), I usually talk to my hubby or friends over a glass of wine, or two, or maybe even more.

4. The only predictable thing about me is my effort to be unpredictable. Does it even make sense to you? *smiles* In every story I write, I approach a certain conflict and twist it into two scenarios in my head. I usually choose the one that makes the most sense to me and what I bet the readers aren’t expecting to see.

5. Dark Lover by J.R. Ward is a book I can read over and over.

6. Feather Light was a 500-word drabble that I’d shelved two years ago. The storyline of a blind masseur and a famous actress intrigued me. I wanted to create a story that was based on seeing beauty without relying on sight alone.

7. I don’t do story outlines. I realize that there is an inherent peril to this, but I can’t get myself to write an outline only to move away from its premise come writing time. I dislike the feeling of being caged. There is a liberating feeling that I get when I freestyle. I work with a firm beginning and idea of the ending of the story, the rest is going to be an exciting journey

8. I have two dogs. Zeus—a twelve-year-old Miniature Schnauzer and Shellan—a Chihuahua and Dachshund mix. They are the loves of my life apart from my hubby and three lovely children.

9. I had hobbies before the writing bug bit me. Well, it’s more of what I enjoyed doing before I got myself into the crazy task of publishing four books this year. I like to play golf and read. Reading is something I couldn’t give up because it helps me relax. Golf takes too much time and I can’t imagine using four to five hours of my free time away from writing. I enjoy going to concerts and so far, I’ve been to five this year. Writing has taken most of my free time now, but I don’t regret any of it. It’s a dream come true.

10. I’m currently writing Ascension, the third installment of The Gates Legacy Trilogy—a paranormal romance. It’s scheduled to be released in May 2014. Following Ascension, I have another contemporary romance that is slated for a July release. It’s about a career soldier returning from the war with serious emotional and physical scars. Then I have a young adult novel that I’m finishing up that will be a part of a two-book set.

Feather Light
Lorenz Font

Parker Davis has conquered three major American cities and is the new ‘it’ man in massage. He earned the nickname ‘Feather Light’ for his sensual touches, tender caresses, and soft voice eliciting an almost orgasmic release. Clients from all over clamor for his services and his clientele are growing by the minute. Business is at its peak, which makes Parker a busy man who has no time to deal with problems, let alone dwell on his blindness. With his declining vision, Parker has to accept his limitations and the changes brought forth by this disease, but he is not ready to relinquish the last control he has left. He is still the master in his bedroom.

Kelly Storm, a Hollywood actress, will do whatever it takes to get some much-deserved peace. Being famous has its perks, except the little privacy her popularity afforded her is slowly eating at her. With the paparazzi hounding her every minute of the day, and her personal life under constant scrutiny, Kelly wants a semblance of normalcy wherever she can get it. Under the urging of a close friend, she agrees give Parker a try. 

Their first meeting is nothing she expected. Kelly finds comfort in his gentle probing and the spellbinding experience guaranteed to keep her coming back for more. Parker knows the woman on his table is special. He feels her vulnerability with his fingertips and her smooth curves leave a burning ache inside him.

One night of steamy passion is all it takes to know that they wanted each other in more ways than one. Kelly hides in heavy disguises, making it impossible for Parker to know her true identity. What secret is Kelly keeping and will she trust Parker enough to tell him the truth? Will Parker see beyond Kelly’s lies to show her what a future with him holds?

 Buy Links:

About the Author:

Lorenz Font discovered her love of writing after reading a celebrated novel that inspired one idea after another. She is currently enjoying the buzz from her debut novel Hunted, the first book of The Gates Legacy Trilogy and Indivisible Line, a romantic thriller. Her newest novel, Tormented, the second installment of The Gates Legacy, is now available for vampire lovers everywhere.

Writing is a therapy for Lorenz, and a perfect day consists of writing and playing with her characters while listening to her ever-growing music collection. She enjoys dabbling in different genres with an intense focus on angst and the redemption of flawed characters. Her fascination with romantic twists is a mainstay in all her stories.

Lorenz currently lives in California with her husband, children, and two demanding dogs. She divides her time between a full-time job as a Business Office Manager for a hospital and her busy writing schedule.

Author Links:

(Note: all the materials of this Guest Post+Giveaway was sent to me from The Writer's Coffee Shop. ~Punya)


Anonymous said...

Many thanks for featuring Feather Light today!

Punya said...

You're welcome. :)

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