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Blurb Blitz and Giveaway: Relatively Crazy by Ellen Dye

Thursday, December 14, 2017

Today, I'm hosting a promo on Ellen Dye's latest release, Relatively Crazy, as a part of the ongoing blurb blitz tour. Also find an excerpt for your enjoyment.

Ellen Dye will be awarding a $25 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour
Relatively Crazy
Ellen Dye
Published: December 6, 2017 
On her fortieth birthday housewife Wanda Jo Ashton is expecting her husband's standard gift of an E and E from T-that being Elegant and Expensive from Tiffany's. However, what she gets is the news that her formerly successful, dependable corporate attorney husband is leaving her to pursue the rich life of a kept man.

Left with nothing she has no choice but to escape the San Francisco area, with her sixteen-year-old daughter in tow and head toward the mountains of West Virginia and the quirky family she left behind twenty years ago. Here Wanda Jo must carve out a future, complete with career and home in the midst of family feuds, computer phobias and the occasional homebrewing explosion before she finally figures out life can indeed being again at forty.

Buy Link:

An Excerpt from Relatively Crazy:

No sooner had I placed my half-empty mug on the counter than I heard a distantly familiar hissing sound. But before I could remember when I’d last heard it there was the unmistakable groan of old wood followed by an explosion loud enough to rival cannon fire and then the sound of splintering wood.

Olivia looked at me, eyes wide with shock. I looked at Sam. We both looked at Nettie, who sat with her eyes wide and one hand over her mouth. “Oops,” she squeeked.

Mama just sighed and kept washing dishes.

Sam and I hurried to the front door. He got there first and shoved it open with one massive shoulder. I stared out in stunned disbelief. The right side of the porch had been reduced to a pile of splintered boards, sprinkled here and there with, broken glass. One of the posts and collapsed and the other dangled from its gingerbread trim.

The usually fresh morning air reeked of fermenting apples.

“A tad too much yeast.” Nettie tsked from somewhere near my elbow, before turning to toddle back toward the kitchen lost in thought.

Well, it was official. We were home and had just survived another of Aunt Nettie’s homebrewing explosions.

About the Author:

At the age of nine Ellen Dye decided she was going to be a writer when she found her Aunt Nettie’s trunk of True Confessions magazines and spent untold hours reading the lot, a bag of Munchos potato chips and a frosty RC Cola at her side.

Then, being nine, she promptly forgot all about it as she got lost in the pesky business of growing up. And then one very lucky day she spotted a confession magazine on the grocery store shelf and began to tap out her own stories which were a delight to see published. Now she spends her days tapping out her characters’ happily-ever-afters for The Wild Rose Press.

Author Links:
Website | Facebook | Goodreads
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(Note: I received this promo+giveaway info from Goddess Fish Promotions. ~Punya)


Goddess Fish Promotions said...

Thanks for hosting!

FrangiePani said...

congrats on the tour and thanks for the chance to win :)

Victoria Alexander said...

Great post and thanks for the awesome giveaway :)

Unknown said...

Thanks so much for hosting and many thanks to Lisa and Victoria for coming back to see me today :)

Bernie Wallace said...

What is the best book that you read in 2017? Thnaks for the giveaway. I hope that I win. Bernie W BWallace1980(at)hotmail(d0t)com

Mary Preston said...

40 is a great age to begin and again & find yourself.

Punya said...

Hi Ellen, it was a pleasure to be hosting you on my blog. x

To everyone, thanks for stopping by and commenting. All the best to those who entered the giveaway. :)

Nikolina said...

This book is "my cup of tea", looking forward to reading it!

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