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Release Blitz: A Losing Battle by Annie Stone

Monday, July 24, 2017

I'm hosting a promo, today, on Annie Stone's latest release, A Losing Battle (Free At Last #2), as a part of the ongoing release blitz. Also find some teasers for your enjoyment.
A Losing Battle
Annie Stone
(Free At Last #2)
Published: July 24, 2017
Hunter has left home to join the Marine Corps, leaving Mackenzie behind, confused and unsure about her feelings. She loves Carter, she really, really does, but could there be a spark between her and Hunter, as well?

Mackenzie does the only thing she can in the circumstances: she buries her conflicting emotions in her work. But when she sees Hunter again, she knows the time for a decision has come.

Little does she know, time is running out for the both of them.

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About the Author:

I'm a contemporary romance writer, who likes her men tattooed, her women independent and her coffee strong.

My stories are all about love, but some are of the romantic kind, some of the sad kind and others of the very steamy kind. So if you can stand drama, foul language and sex, you came to the right place.

Love, Annie

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(Note: I received this release blitz info from Ardent Prose. ~Punya)


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I love to read in my spare time and do reviews the books I read. My blog Punya Reviews just turned 6 in 2017 and still going strong. I love music and traveling. Sometimes, I wish I could live inside a book, having my own HEA. :)
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