Today, I'm hosting a promo on Nancy Fraser's latest Sci-Fi romance release, The Vessel, as a part of the ongoing blurb blitz tour. Also find an excerpt for your enjoyment.
Nancy Fraser will be awarding a $20 Amazon or Barnes and Noble GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour
The Vessel
Nancy Fraser

Alora of Delawon is an alien princess who holds the key to the survival of mankind. With the women of the United Republic left barren by previous chemical warfare, Alora’s ability to bear humanoid children makes her the government’s most valuable commodity.
Together, Liam and Alora make the trek from the government’s safe house back toward the current capitol, fighting off raiders, survivalists, and an unexpected attraction to one another.
Will their desires put them in danger? Or, will their being together become more important than the mission?
An Excerpt from The Vessel:
“According to what we were told by Dr. Williams, humans are very interested in the mating process, especially for procreation.”
“Sometimes,” he conceded. “Other times it’s nothing more than a tumble between the sheets.” He depressed the accelerator even farther and reset the cruise at one ninety. He needed to get them back to the main highway as soon as possible. This conversation was headed in the wrong direction, just as they’d been during the previous day’s storm.
Much to his chagrin, Alora wasn’t quite finished with the subject. “I accessed the databanks in Dr. Williams’ office to do some research on the mating habits of humans. After Fiona died, I wanted to see for myself if it was as horrible as she’d envisioned.”
“And, what did you find?”
“A lot of technical terms. None of which made sense to me.” She paused and drew a breath. “Fornication, for instance.”
He bit his lip, fighting back a chuckle. “Yes?”
“This is the word your species has given to the act of coupling between men and women?”
“One of them. There are other names for it.”
“Oh, yes,” she agreed. “I found those in the archives as well. There was...uh...coitus and copulation.” She tapped a finger to her forehead, struggling for more euphemisms. “Sex. I found that one interesting since it’s also the word used to define the difference between male and female orientation.”
“Let it never be said there aren’t many routes to the same end when it comes to the English language.”
“And then, there were the...uh...slang terms.”
Oh boy. Liam shook his head, drew a breath for calm, and waited. In an effort to avoid Alora’s take on slang, he asked, “What do you call the mating process on Tethys?”
“Simple. It’s referred to breeding. A term, I might add, once used on Earth when referring to animals.”
“The term was also used for humans in some cases.”
Alora sank back into the seat, released a long sigh, and turned her attention to the passing scenery. A few minutes went by before she spoke again. “Hump, screw, and fuck.”
Liam burst out laughing, unable to stop the welcome release. “You’re a quick study, Alora of Delawon.”
“May I ask you something?”
His shoulders rose and fell on a deep shrug. “I suppose.”
“How many women have done the fuck with you?”
He almost choked on a second round of laughter. “A few.”
“And, did you enjoy it?”
About the Author:
Like most authors, Nancy Fraser began writing at an early age, usually on the walls and with crayons or, heaven forbid, permanent markers. Her love of writing often made her the English teacher’s pet, which, of course, resulted in a whole lot of teasing. Still, it was worth it.
Published in multiple genres, Nancy currently writes for four publishers. She has published twenty-four books in both full-length and novella format. In November 2016 Nancy celebrated twenty years as a published author and will release her 25th book in mid-2017.
When not writing (which is almost never), Nancy splits her free time between her five grandchildren. She’s also an avid traveler with Las Vegas being her favorite destination. Nancy lives in Atlantic Canada where she enjoys the relaxed pace and colorful people.
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(Note: I received this promo+giveaway info from Goddess Fish Promotions. ~Punya)
Thanks for hosting!
I really enjoyed reading the excerpt, thank you!
Thank you for hosting this stop on my tour. I'll check back throughout the day to say "hi" and see if anyone has any questions.
Congrats on the tour and thanks for the chance to win :)
This sounds like a book I'll enjoy reading!
Thank you for the interesting excerpt.
What is the best book that you have read recently? Thanks for the giveaway. I hope that I win. Bernie W BWallace1980(at)hotmail(d0t)com
Nancy, it was a pleasure to host you on my blog.
Hey everybody, thanks for stopping by and commenting. Best of luck to those who entered the giveaway. :)
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