Today, I'm hosting a promo on Anita DeVito's latest release, Lost in Shadows (Lost #2), as a part of the ongoing VBT. Also find an excerpt and some teasers for your enjoyment. The giveaway includes a $20 Amazon GC, so don't forget to enter via rafflecopter below!!
Lost in Shadows
Anita DeVito
(Lost #2)
Carolina Walker wants a quiet life, thank you very much. She left intrigue and deception behind in Washington D.C., never expecting it to follow her home to Bowling Green, Kentucky. When events happen that can’t be explained away, help arrives in the form of the very attractive and muscular Jebediah McCormick. But as the tension escalates between Jeb and Carolina, so does the danger facing them…
An Excerpt from Lost in Shadows:
Carolina wished Jeb would come in. She rolled over and inhaled his scent off the pillow. He hadn’t slept on it for days and yet there he was. Feeling very brave in the dark of night, she kicked off the covers, stripped off his T-shirt, and pulled on the negligée she’d bought from that store at the mall. She opened the door and heard deep, exasperated sighs coming from the other end of the hallway.
Nerves warred with anticipation. Carolina had never been the aggressor, had never initiated a relationship. She didn’t know if she could do it or how to do it, but she was determined to try. She wanted Jeb McCormick and, damn it, she was going to let him know it.
If he didn’t want her back, well, she’d burn in the fires of humiliation. She’d been there, done that so many times she thought about buying a summer place.
It was worth the risk. He was worth the risk.
Anita’s rapid paced storytelling style pulls readers into a parallel universe where mystery, mayhem, murder are the order of the day. Her stories are an addictive diversion, trading the heavy, gray world of real life for a fantastically colorful world where bad is good, and cool is smoking hot.
Anita has been writing scorching mysteries and suspense since 2006 with stories ranging on the heat index from a “nice spicy little pepper” to “pass a mop for my forehead, please.” Check out tastes of Anita’s stories and like her on Facebook. Anita is a member of Sisters in Crime and Mystery Writers of America.
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(Note: I received this promo+giveaway info from Author's Pal. ~Punya)
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