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Guest Post and Giveaway: A Scene of Inspiration by Loni Lynne, author of Wanted: One Ghost

Friday, July 19, 2013

Today, I have this intriguing bit of Guest Post by author Loni Lynne, where she talks about something that must've inspired some of the scenes in Wanted: One Ghost. I do believe the scenes of cemetery were a common thing in that story. Alongside the post, you'll find an excerpt and additional information on Wanted: One Ghost, links and how to connect with Ms. Lynne. Hope you enjoy the post and the book as much as I did!

If you want to have a glimpse of the review of Wanted: One Ghost by Yours Truly, click here.

Loni Lynne will be awarding a $15 Amazon/B&N GC (winner's choice) to one randomly drawn commenter during the tour. 


A Scene of Inspiration

The snow crunches beneath my feet, the crisp bite in the air takes my breath away, but not as much as the
scene before me.

Marble obelisks and crypts haphazardly dot rolling knolls and valleys. Their white smoothness are blemished only by the dark aged inscriptions etched into them—some still visible to the naked eye, some barely legible.

These are parts of the past. The remaining history of those who were here before. The dates of birth and death tell their own stories, some were very young—others lived for a century. The details in the artistry of their monuments speak of military service, religious beliefs and social belonging. Their beloveds lay close by, some in fenced off family plots, others just neatly positioned beside them.

A Cemetery in Sepia
Many of these stone markers are over a hundred years old, dating back to the early to mid 1800’s, some even older, and yet here they continue to stand sentry over those who’ve paved the way in our community.

It’s quiet, even so close to town in the early afternoon. The solitude isn’t eerie, just peaceful and beautiful. There is the aroma of another possible snow storm coming in. I stand in awe looking over the hallowed grounds, the barren winter trees throwing shadows over the pristine scene. I have a picture in my mind now—an inspiration to see me through my scene and yet, it’s more about the feeling I have then just a scene for my story.

I only hope I can convey the blissful feelings it has evoked in me to those who read my words now and in years to come.

Authors Note: I love to be able to get inspiration from places I’ve been for my stories. The fictional town of Kings Mill, Maryland in my book, Wanted: One Ghost, is compiled of many images from local sites around where I live in Western Maryland. Steeped in American History from the colonial beginnings to the Civil War, there is much to learn and view and just take in.

Are there places you enjoy that you wish you could share with others? I would love to hear about them.

Thank you for having me here today and for letting me share in a special moment. Looking forward to hearing back!

Wanted: One Ghost


Stuck in ghostly limbo for 238 years, James Addison can't move on to an afterlife. After being falsely accused of treason and executed, fate's cursed him to remain an earth-bound specter until he meets a historian sent to research his past.

Distrustful of fate, Dr. April Branford wants to be taken seriously, but her unique ability to divine history by touching objects seriously compromises her credibility. Her latest assignment? James Addison, a legendary colonial ladies' man with a shadowy past. Without much to go on, she doesn't hold out much hope to discover the man behind the legend until the day she accidentally touches him and brings him back to life.

With the help of family and ghosts from James’s past, they unravel the truth. But after falling in love and with time running out, it’s hard for April to believe in fate and a future where forever is now. 

An Excerpt from Wanted: One Ghost:

“Who are you?”April asked.
“You already know the answer, Dr. Branford. You saw me out at the mill the other day.”
Her eyes widened. “You’re…James Addison.”
She knew. But whether or not she accepted the knowledge was yet to be seen.

“Really, I did want to tell you the truth about me, but I couldn’t. Not knowing how you would react, I couldn’t take the chance of having you run away from me. I don’t want you to fear me, or what I am. You’re the only person who has ever been able to see me in this form. But more importantly, you’re the only person who’s cared.”

She stopped and turned. “I can see you. But you’re not real…I don’t know…”

“You make me feel real again,” he said softly.

She muttered profanities under her breath. “I don’t have time for ghosts. I’ve a case to solve. Go back to wherever it is you came from.” April waved him off.

“I can’t. This is where I am. Right here, right now. There is no place for me to go back to.” James knew this couldn’t be easy for her to understand. “Perhaps I could be of assistance to you, since you know who I am.”

“How do I know you really are James Addison?”

“You don’t,” he agreed. “But what would it take to prove to you I am?”

“Tell me where he is buried,” she challenged.

James shrugged. “Easy enough, but I would prefer to show you.”

About the Author:

Loni Lynne is a stay at home mom, domestic goddess, U.S. Navy Veteran and lover of all things vintage/shabby-chic/Victorian and antique. From china cups and tea sets to lace doilies crocheted by hand (her grandmother made the best) she believes a touch of femininity never goes out of style.

Growing up all over the country she's been blessed with experiencing a good deal of culture and lifestyles. Much like her personality, she has eclectic tastes in what she likes to read and write. There is no 'one' genre in which she settles for.

God and fate have been big influences in her life. Both have taken her to places she never thought she'd be, both in the physical sense and in the spiritual. She wrote brief stories and snippets of life as it happened to her in her youth, and encouraged by her teachers, continued to write. Blessed with a loving supportive family growing up, she was able to explore her options which at times have been put into use in her stories. The Navy--and fate, afforded her the opportunity to meet her Army, "Annapolis-native" husband and team up with him to parent two beautiful daughters.

Years later, her husband gave her the best birthday present ever--a laptop, a membership to Romance Writers of America and a goal to complete a manuscript for submission by her next birthday. She did it. A few years later she was blessed with one of those novels, Wanted: One Ghost, as her debut novel. 
Believe in Fate. 

Author Links:
Site | Facebook | Twitter 

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(Note: I'm not responsible for the contents of this post, including the original Guest Post and giveaway, blurb, links and the author bio, as all of the above were provided to me by Goddess Fish Promotions.) ~Punya


Mary Preston said...

Some places just spark the imagination and I'm not even a writer.


Unknown said...

Some places, there are no words...just a feeling. Good morning!

Unknown said...

I really appreciate you hosting me toda and the time you took for reading my work. I enjoyed the review very much! :)

Goddess Fish Promotions said...

Thank you for hosting

Punya said...

Mary, Thank you for stopping by and best of luck. :)

@Goddess Fish, my pleasure. xx

Punya said...

Ms. Lynne, YW. I've also enjoyed your story and the guest post. I'm waiting for the sequel. Hopefully won't be a long wait! haha

Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing your inspirations with us. I think there is so much to be inspired by in Europe, the history of all the places just makes you wonder about all the different people that lived there

fencingromein at hotmail dot com

Rita Wray said...

Very interesting post, thank you. I enjoyed reading it.


Andra Lyn said...

Thanks for sharing with us! What an excellent post!

andralynn7 AT gmail DOT com

Unknown said...

Working on sequel. Hope to have it out relatively soon! ;) Thanks again!

Unknown said...

Shannon, I couldn't agree more about Europe. I've always wanted to go there. My love of history and cultures would be soooo at home there. I'm looking forward to seeing it someday soon!

Unknown said...

Thank you for stopping in, Ingborg! :) Best of luck to you!

Unknown said...

Andra Lyn,
Glad you enjoyed the post. Having a great time here at Punya's site. :D

Punya said...

Shannon, Ingeborg, Andra Lyn thank you for reading the guest post, and best of luck. :)

Ms. Lynne, please keep us (me :p) updated. :D

Unknown said...

Of course Punya! :)

Catherine Lee said...

I like graveyards. I don't think they're eerie and they're great sources for historical information and research.
I live in the Southeastern part of NC. We have a lot of books set in our region and many movies filmed here as well, but luckily we're still able to retain a small city feel.
catherinelee100 at gmail dot com

Punya said...

Catherine, thank you and good luck. :)

Unknown said...

I love NC. We used to drive through there to Myrtle Beach and take back roads. Beautiful country! Thanks for stopping in! :)

Unknown said...

Thank you again for hosting me and for the terrific review. Enjoyed being here and talking with everyone. Have a great, relaxing weekend with fabulous books to read! :D

K. C. Finn said...

Wow, this story looks incredible. I will definitely have to add this to my Goodreads so I don't forget to grab a copy soon!

Punya said...

Ms. Lynne YW and I feel the same. This was fun! :D

Kim, thanks for dropping by. This story was very interesting. I hope you'll enjoy it. :D

Bobbye Booth said...

Thanks for the giveaway :)

Punya said...

Thanks for dropping by Bobbye. :)

Natasha said...

Thanks for the chance to win!
Sounds really good!!
natasha_donohoo_8 at hotmail dot com

Punya said...

Best of luck Natasha. :)

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