I'm really excited to hold this Guest Post by author Delphine Dryden on my blog! Want to know about "Balls 'n' Chain"? Better read it!
In the following, you'll also find the links for The Seduction Hypothesis, book 2 in The Science of Temptation series and how to connect with Ms. Dryden. My review of The Seduction Hypothesis will be up on the 20th of June.
When I wrote The Seduction Hypothesis, I didn't start out thinking about comics. The fictional graphic novel series "Balls 'n' Chain" which becomes an important part of the story, was one of those last-minute elements that ended up pulling the whole thing together. But since the book came out, a big proportion of reader questions seem to center around that comic. Quite a few folks have asked if it was an actual graphic novel series. Sadly, it isn't (though I'm working on commissioning a single "panel" from an artist with a style similar to what I've visualized for the artwork).
There isn't even a specific comic after which “Balls ‘n’ Chain” is styled, although for the perfect balance of line and color I'd go with the work of Bryan Talbot ("Grandville", "Alice in Sunderland", "The Tale of One Bad Rat"). Beautiful, beautiful stuff. Alison Bechdel’s "Are You My Mother? A Comic Drama" is also close to what I had in mind in terms of line weight and overall visual effect.
But fear not, gentle readers! You may not know this (most people who don't read a lot of grownup comics don't), but graphic novels are often full of smut! Go into your local comic book shop, distract the clerk from discussing Portal with his friend, and ask if they have Jessica Fink's brilliant "Chester 5000-XYV" or perhaps a copy of "Smut Peddler" (an adult comic anthology). They may not have either, but you'll likely impress the hell out of the comic book shop guys.
People often think of "Sin City" when they think of graphic novels for adults, but that was pretty light compared to the work of artists like Gilbert Hernandez, Bill Willingham and Paolo Serpieri, who have been using downright filthy hard-core sexual material in their comics for years (just about every possible trigger warning in the world for any of those guys, by the way). There is also a wealth of more subtle but still x-rated material out there by folks like Howard Chaykin ("Black Kiss") and Melinda Gebbie/Alan Moore ("Lost Girls").
Most of the above are in the obscure, sort of literary category of comics, as opposed to what you'll find in a random online search for erotic comics, which is mostly just porn (not that I object to that…but if you would like a storyline with your graphic/graphic art, google probably isn't the best place to start). I really don’t recommend that particular search. It will result in you seeing things that can’t be unseen. Some of them with tentacles.
But that’s okay, because now you know where to start! In the meantime, want a short, filthy-but-funny online comic once a week? Oglaf.com is one of my favorites. Or try Collar6.com, a fun bondage/fetish-oriented web comic. What about y’all? Any good raunchy comic recommendations?
Me? I'll just be over here re-reading the graphic novel "additional seasons" of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. In which Spike becomes even more awesome, Dawn has boy trouble, and Willow becomes…well, spoilers.
The Seduction Hypothesis
The Science of Temptation, Book 2

Wildlife biologist Lindsey thought attending a fan convention with her new boyfriend Ben was a great idea—until their relationship fizzled. Lindsey still lusts after her ex—but if he wants her, he’s going to have to prove it.
Ben will do anything to win Lindsey back, and when he sees her in her skimpy black vinyl convention get-up, he realizes what she’s been craving all along. And he is inspired to finally give in to his own dark desire to take complete sexual control…
Lindsey is surprised by her reaction to Ben’s kinky new seduction techniques, and suddenly sees the brilliant but uptight code guru in a different light. After several erotic encounters in hotel rooms and stairwells, she’s falling for Ben all over again. And wondering if the intimate connection will last once they head home…
Book Links:
Amazon | B&N | Carina Press
About the Author:
Delphine tried unsuccessfully to get past being an English major by becoming a lawyer, a special education teacher, and an educational diagnostician. She finally gave up the fight several years ago and began writing full-time. When not writing or doing “mommy stuff” Delphine reads voraciously and noodles around with web design. She counts herself fortunate to have two absurdly precocious children, and two delightful if occasionally disobedient mutts. Delphine and her family are all Texas natives, and reside in unapologetic suburban bliss near Houston.
Author Links:
(Note: I'm not responsible for the contents of this post, including the original Guest Post, blurb, links and the author bio, as all of the above were provided to me by Carina Press.) ~Punya
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