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Guest Post: by J.M. Gregoire, Burning Blog Tour

Sunday, October 07, 2012

My second blog tour is today! This time, please help me welcome debut author, J.M. Gregoire with this interesting Guest Post where she talks about her series, The Demon Legacy. The first novella of this series, Burning, is out now. In this post, as usual, you'll also find the links to connect with the author herself.



The Guest Post

There are two forms of storytelling I have always loved – books and film.  Aside from being a hard core bibliophile, I am also a total movie buff with a serious jones for all things paranormal.  I was never a big one for slasher-horror flicks (i.e. Nightmare on Elm Street or Halloween) but if it involves ghosts, demons, possessions, hauntings or anything of the like, I am so there!

It all started with The Exorcist.  To this day, this is still one of my favorite films of all time.  The idea of spiritual warfare being real has always scared the pants off of me and for some reason, I love that feeling.  The feeling of being completely creeped out by the unknown.  From the first time I saw The Exorcist, I fell in love with the genre.  I’ve seen some great ones like the Poltergeist series, Stigmata, Thirteen Ghosts, The Ring, Paranormal Activity, Devil and The Rite.  I have also seen some HORRIBLE ones such as the epic failure of Drag Me To Hell.  

I have tried to find books that give me that same feeling and it just hasn’t happened.  I think the closest I ever came to a book really giving me that creeped out feeling was probably The Omen and even that was a bit of a letdown.  When I started penning the Demon Legacy series, I knew I wanted to write what I love.  I wanted to write urban fantasy but I wanted it to be dark.  I wanted to write about demons.

To me, demons are probably the scariest of the paranormal creatures.  Creatures with no humanity.  Nothing but pure evil driving them.  I also didn’t want to “Twilight” them in my book.  By “Twilighting”, I mean taking these creatures with no redeeming qualities and making them…..well….sparkle.  Demons should be scary.  The moment I started writing my demon character, I knew exactly what I wanted him to be.  Cold, calculated, ruthless and unfeeling.  I didn’t want there to be even a shred of a chance that my readers would develop Stockholm Syndrome and start having warm fuzzies for him.  This guy is bad news and I wanted my audience to really feel that when they read my series.  I want the audience to be afraid for my characters going up against this guy because there’s a very good chance that, in the end, the black hats could win. 


The Book and Blurb: 

Lucas was a typical playboy - lots of alcohol and a different girl every night.

One woman brought his emotional walls and the beliefs he used to build them crumbling to the ground.

Now, an unexpected visitor is going to change both their worlds forever.

About the Author:

I was born and raised in New Hampshire and currently reside in the town of Andover, despite my extreme hatred for any season that is not summer. Oh yeah, and I am a total city girl. I love love LOVE getting the chance to make it down to NYC, which I have done several times now, and I get a little case of heart break every time I leave. Living in Andover makes no sense what so ever in my grand scheme but it’s home.

I have always had a love for urban fantasy. I have loved urban fantasy since long before some genius came up with that label. For years, I kept a journal. About 20 journals. When I got married, I finally chucked the journals and now I wish I hadn’t because they were riddled with short stories that would serve as great seed ideas for novels.

In 2005, I started writing a novel purely as a hobby. Self publishing wasn’t a reality at that time so it really was just for fun. I had no idea how to go about getting published and as life got in the way, the book was shelved. Thank the gods that I printed a copy because I lost the floppy disk-yes, I said floppy disk-that the book was on. Not that I would be able to use the floppy disk now anyway because floppy drives are a thing of the ancient past.

I hauled out my hard copy of my untitled book. It was beaten and had been viciously attacked with a red pen. As I read through it, I was mortified. My experience with Pure Textuality and really paying attention to the technicality of writing made me realize that my book needed some serious work. It was a great start with some good ideas but when push came to shove, I knew I needed a complete rewrite.

Once I started rewriting, my book took on a completely different direction and a life of it’s own. Since then, I have a plan for at least two more books beyond the one that I am writing now. I find myself thinking about my series (which has now been named the Demon Legacy series) and I am super excited to start publishing.

(J.M. or Jena also runs Pure Textuality ~Punya)

Connect with J.M (click on the following links):


So glad to be a part of this blog tour! I will check out Burning sometimes soon, meanwhile, tell us if you've read the novella and your thoughts!

 (Note: I'm not responsible for the contents of this post, including the original post and the author profile as all of the above were provided to me by the author or taken from her website. The cover and the blurb were taken from Goodreads)  ~Punya


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