Phantom Lovers (novella)
A free installment
Marie Medina
Contemporary Romance/Paranormal/Erotica (ménage- M/M/F)
Published in 2012
H/h - John and William/Lynsay
Setting: Present time.
Read in June, 2012.
My rating:

[spoiler alert]
Marie Medina is a new-to-me author and despite the fact that I don’t usually read ménage and M/M, I gave into the temptation of reading Phantom Lovers due to various reasons: I was intrigued by the storyline and ghost lovin’ is a very fascinating idea for me. Also, it’s a free read (lol). I can’t say I was disappointed, except that it being a novella I felt that John, William and Lynsay’s relationship rushed along a bit too soon for my liking.
Lynsay just broke up with a guy because when she made it known that she wanted to try ménage, he balked from it. She works in a theater which is said to be haunted by two ghosts. But Lynsay never saw anyone or anything… well, she may have felt something but never gave it a serious thought. One day, she again heard some male whispering, moaning and talking softly while working on the stage alone. One of the older crews of the place, Eleanor, informs her soon after that these two ghosts are very much real... Lynsay, of course, doesn’t believe in any of it, until she meets them for real. When she is out, alone yet again, checking something else, both ghosts at first make themselves known with their touches (yes, they can touch mortals if they want to and of course, themselves... so much so that they can, er... umm... make love to each-other but no other ‘mortal’ activities as far as I understood) and then, by making clear cut appearances. Lynsay doesn’t believe her eyes but they’re real, no doubt. No one can’t see them, except for Lynsay, which is how they want it.
Both of them, John and William as they introduce themselves, are dressed in the 50s clothes. John has dark hair and eyes, while William is fair and blue eyed. They are bi men, familiar with both men and women. They were in a secret relationship before they died of a fire in the theater. They both tell her that they’ve been watching and wanting her for a long time. John and William even spied on her with her ex while they had sex in her office before they broke up (eh, what? lol). Lynsay is surprised but not offended or anything, not at all when she hears that these two are more than amenable to her wishes of having a ménage. Afterwards, they fool around for a while, with glimpses of John and Williams’ own little rendezvous as well. Anyway, soon, they’re getting into action, altogether... And, just when I was thinking to myself (pardon my lack of extended paranormal romance knowledge): er, seriously, can she get pregnant from er... ghostly er,
, you-know-what?.... a twist in the story comes up, which hinted at a possible solution for this relationship. I was also wondering how would she keep on having a relationship with two ghosts, if anyone can call it one.
Sex was pretty hot, I give it that and I liked MM’s writing. The starting of the story was really interesting but as I said, it being a novella, I felt they got into action too soon and said ILU too soon. I needed a little more development in the relationship.
3.75 stars. I’ll definitely keep a lookout for the author’s M/F stories, if she writes any.
“Phantom Lovers” is a freebie and can be downloaded from both smashwords and allromanceebooks.
Warning: Might not be for you if you’re not into ménage of any kind, M/M and backdoor lovin’!
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