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Super Book Blast and Giveaway: Broken Fences by Kelly Gendron

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

The Super Book Blast of Kelly Gendron's Broken Fences, book 1 in the TroubleMaker series, is taking place today. In the following, find all the book and author information alongside an excerpt. Also don't forget to comment to enter the giveaway. PS: I do think the cover is delish. ;)

Kelly Gendron will be awarding a $25 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn commenter during the tour, and a $10 Amazon gift card to two randomly drawn hosts.

Broken Fences
(TroubleMaker #1)
Kelly Gendron
Colden Saint James, Dusty Owens, and a single night of passion had equaled to poor old Mr. McAllister’s broken fence. Add six years, a troublemaking photo, and there’s not a fence in Texas that’s gonna be safe.

It took Dusty Owens two years to land Colden “Saint” James, even if it was for only one night, but the very next day, he was gone. Now, years later, the “Saint” has returned, but he’s no longer the do-gooder rookie cop Dusty remembers.

Dusty Owens always had a way of making every single one of Colden’s man parts go all hard. He’d been so close to falling for the girl before he’d left Odessa. Now, due to a troublemaking photo, Colden must return to his hometown to keep her safe. Trouble is, he’s a different man—not to mention the change. Well, it’s gonna cause all kinds of problems where Dusty Owens and all of his man parts are concerned.

Buy Links:

An Excerpt from Broken Fences:

“No,” he said in a harsh whisper. Barely touching her, his large form hovered over her body.

She couldn’t move or say anything. Immobilized by the fear induced by the man who pinned her to the bed, her panting carried on in the shadowy room.

“No, don’t do this.” He cradled her face gently with large hands. “Don’t be afraid of me. Not like this. You hear me?” The moonlight illuminated his eyes. They glistened with affection. “You be frightened when I kiss you.” His mouth brushed over hers.

Her breath caught in her throat from the brief kiss and from the way he passionately gazed down at her.

“Be afraid of the feeling you get between your legs when I touch you.” The weight of his body lowered on hers, his thick hardness imbedding her flesh. “Fear me when I’m finally deep inside of you.” He pressed closer.

She let out a cry of desire, not from fear. Her hips moved as she tried to rock against him.

A smile touched his strong lips, and his tempting mouth lay suspended over hers. “You fear what we will become when I again make you mine, sweetheart.”

The warmth of his words cascaded her flushed face. The tenderness in his voice and the soft pressure of his palms upon her cheeks added need to her already desirous want.

“And what you should really be afraid of… what you need to fear,” his eyes dropped to her mouth, a rough thumb passed over her quivering lip, “is what you mean to me in here.” Colden tapped his chest as dark eyes lifted back to hers. “Because being trapped in here, Dusty girl…” He pointed to his heart. “Well, that should scare you a lot more than being safe out here with only your arms around me.”
About the Author: 

Kelly resides in a quiet suburb somewhere between Buffalo and Niagara Falls, NY. Her day job? Kelly works in health care representing a group of nursing facilities in the WNY area. She’s been faithfully writing for three years but did write her first book ten years ago. She put it down to raise her son as a single mom and then picked it back up when she and her son finally grew up. That's when she settled into her newly married adult life and started to seriously write again. She's dabbled with Romantic Suspense stories, but recently she's been on an Adult Contemporary Romance kick.
Author Links:

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(Note: I'm not responsible for the contents of this SBB, as all of the above were provided to me by Goddess Fish Promotions.) ~Punya


Kelly Gendron said...

Thanks for hosting Broken Fences today!

Punya said...

You're welcome :)

Goddess Fish Promotions said...

Thank you for hosting.

Punya said...

@Goddess Fish, a pleasure as usual. :)

Natasha said...

Love the excerpt!!
Thanks for sharing and for the chance to win!
natasha_donohoo_8 at hotmail dot com

Punya said...

Hey Natasha, thanks for stopping by. Best of luck. :)

Mary Preston said...

That is such a great excerpt thank you.


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